Monday, June 29, 2009

DC Commemoration Day

Yesterday, Sunday June 28th, was a celebration of our nation's capitol city. I started my day off by visiting the National Cathedral. Decorated with ornate architecture and colorful stained-glass windows, the building is absolutely immaculate. I spent a solid 30 to 40 minutes in full tourist form, exploring every area of the building before the service ever started. Once we sat down, I quickly noticed the difference between the Episcopalian tradition and the baptist church I grew up in. It was a wonderful service that displayed an array of both talent and tradition. The a cappella choir, articulate speakers and masterful organists were a true joy to witness.

Perhaps, the best portion of the service showed the flexibility and open mindedness of the church. For two years, the Cathedral church has had a partnership with the Covenant Baptist church in Ward 8, a very low-income area of Washington DC. Together, they work to relieve the poverty that grips so much of the greater DC area. Dr. Christine Wiley and her husband spoke about the social responsibility of service. She referred to Edmund Burke's famous quote, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing," and she followed by saying that these words may "ring truer now today, than ever." Her message resounded as clearly as her voice was heard throughout the entire cathedral chamber.

The middle of the day was highlighted by a trip to the Washington Mall where I met several other interns who were playing a game of wiffleball. Hanging out on the mall is really an event in and of itself. There is always so much going on and quite a range of people to meet.

I finished my day by attending a national barbecue competition on Pensylvania Avenue. Restaurants and grillmasters form Oregon to North Carolina gathered to compete for coveted titles like "best ribs", "best brisket", and around 40 others. For a person who loves to eat, it was a slice of heaven.

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